Thursday, January 7, 2010

Why We All Should Blog

I have been in and out of the Blog Scene (mostly out I admit), however I think I have finally found a compelling reason of sticking with it. I believe it happens with all of us. We stumble through life in our self created ignorance and nirvana and then pow! something hits you in the head that not all is well in the kingdom.. Well I have had my moment. My moment comes on the heals of watching documentary by Ben Stein called Expelled! I am not going to into it here because I am going to have different post dedicated to the subject. However, generally speaking I have long respected scientists, historians and academics in general. Ben Stein mentions in the beginning that he once believed that Scientists were free to examine any course of study, answer, and ask any question in their ongoing search for the truth. He was shocked that it was not so. I have been shocked that it is not so...If we can't turn to our researchers for the truth who can we turn to?

I have long beleived that our educational system in this country (USA) is flawed. Our education is stunted by the beliefs of those who supervise it. What were once bastions of free thought and the platforms for the free exchange of ideas, have turned into trade schools for Doctors, Lawyers, and Politicians.. When our educators are told what to and not to teach, and those decisions are made by what is popular, what will bring in the money (or not lose it) or what will not upset the right people what kind of situation are we in.. If we can't trust our educators to give us the complete truth, who couldn't tell us even when there are those who WANT to, who do we turn to?

The answer is each other. Which I guess this is why Blogs and online communities are so popular. I mean if we could get uncensored information straight from our educators would sites like these be popular? Would the internet be as popular? Don't get me wrong I am not bashing educators, I know many and I am related to a few. I am just sick and tired of them being shackled. I hate seeing any being stuck in a cage. I am tired of hearing teachers and professors being fired for even mentioning a topic that does not conform to the mainstream or established ideas. If we do not question our established ideas how do we know when we are wrong? How do we correct a wrong? Not everything that is written on an old and dusty piece of paper is correct. Not everything that was omitted from and old and dusty piece of paper is wrong. Just because someone has been dead for hundreds of years doesn't mean everything they thought was right. This is why we should blog. When we Blog we have an open forum to discuss our ideas no matter how ludicrous it my be. We are free to be wrong and to be told we are wrong. Thus enlightening ourselves. As the adage goes, we learn a lot more from being wrong than being right. Maybe it has been good that our former Bastions have taken away our platforms. For in the process they have lead to the creation of a much larger one.

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